HandsandFeet NPO was officially birthed in 2016 after many years of volunteering, studying, cross-cultural ministry and community development work by its founding members. These experiences included serving in Places of Safety, hospitals, Child and Youth Care Centres, schools, churches and other NPOs locally, nationally and internationally. The richness of these experiences and the expertise gained were able to guide the formation of HandsandFeet’s vision, mission and values.
HandsandFeet was formed out of a strong desire to see a community-based, interdisciplinary approach to Family Strengthening and Preservation which would act as a protective factor for children and families in the community and help to prevent child removals from becoming necessary.
In January 2019, HandsandFeet NPO changed it’s entity from being a Voluntary Association to being registered with CIPC as an Not-for-profit Company. This ensures added accountability as HandsandFeet are now compliant with both the NPO and Companies Act. From May 2019 HandsandFeet was also registered as a Public Benefit organisation with SARS. This allows HandsandFeet to be able to give 18A tax clearance certificates to South African donors. These have been significant steps, guided by experts in South African legislation and compliance requirements.
In 2020 HandsandFeet had the exciting new venture of taking responsibility for Hope Centre from our long-standing partner HOSA NPO (South Africa), that has been involved with the Camp Road communities since 2014. This has been a coming together of the strengths of each organisation. We have seen a beautiful integration of shared values, as well as our commitment to working hand in hand with the communities we serve.