
HOPE Centre

Our HOPE Centre Dream

We see each HOPE Centre as an oasis; a sanctuary for the community.

It is a refuge for children who are neglected or abused; children where the economic, education and health systems are failing them.

It is a resource base for parents who are breaking free from cycles of hopelessness, trauma, addiction and abuse.

It is a place of freedom, play, laughter and learning. Learning new ways of living. We want to share this gift.

Welcome to HOPE Centre

An Aquaponics tunnel and kitchen for hospitality services for the centre, as well as skills development and work preparation for community members

An Early Childhood Development Centre (ECD) for 3-5 year old children

A Drop in Centre offering an interdisciplinary, community based, life cycle approach to child protection, educational enrichment, victim empowerment, family preservation, substance abuse and social crime prevention and early intervention services.
